
Ambisonics Playback System

OTTOsonics is an initiative to make immersive audio formats accessible to sound and performance artists, as well as cultural and educational institutions, and to facilitate their use in the arts and culture.

OTTOsonics is also an Ambisonics open platform for artists to address barriers to incorporating immersive sounds in all disciplines of arts and performances, to exchange technical and creative methods from production to implementation, and to share artistic and technological know-how across the field of acoustic and electronic music.

OTTOsonics originally developed by Manu Mitterhuber in collaboration with the Tangible Music Lab of the University of Arts, Linz (Austria), it has since then, expand to other European countries and we brought it  for the first time to Asia!

We are now collaborating to develop further the platform to simplify the production process and make it more accessible.
The platform will be available during the conference and workshops and concerts can also be proposed around this topic.

We organized a workshop in February 2024 to setup the system, you can read more about it in this USJ news as well as the following Press Release.

OTTOsonics at USJ