Ubimus 2024 International Symposium

October 31, November 1 and 2, 2024
University of Saint Joseph campus, Macao S.A.R., China.

Ubiquitous Music is an interdisciplinary research area that combines methodologies from music, computer science, education, creativity studies, human sciences and engineering. The Fourteenth Symposium on Ubiquitous Music will span on-site and remote activities for three days, from October 31st to November 2nd, at the 
University of Saint Joseph, Macao S.A.R. (China). 
Researchers working on ubiquitous music topics are invited to submit initial results or completed research projects and artistic proposals. The symposium will adopt English for the on-site conference and music strands, however, papers can be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Chinese or English. Further details about the conference, including travel and schedule information, are available via the University of Saint Joseph – UbiMus2024 conference webpage.

Papers will be selected for inclusion in:
–  Arts & Communication Special Issue,
– Leonardo Special Issue,
Artificial Media book (Springer),
– Journal of Ubiquitous Music 


Please submit your research as full or short papers (work-in-progress), with a maximum of 12 and 4 pages, respectively, including references and acknowledgements. Papers should adhere strictly to the ubimus template .docx (access via this link), as PDF or LaTEX, accessible via this link, submitted as a PDF. All submissions will be fully peer-reviewed in a single-blind process. Accepted papers will be published in the symposium proceedings and will be under consideration for Ubimus special issues and projects, including the Journal of Ubiquitous Music, Arts & Communication Journal and the Springer volume Artificial Media.

Special Announcement: selected papers from the 2025 Ubimus event will also have the opportunity for publication in a Leonardo SI 2026.


Workshop proposals can be submitted as a two-page PDF, with links to video and music. Please, describe the infrastructure (space and technical requirements) you will need. A basic working setup will be provided by the organizers. Other materials will be brought by the proponents.


Artists, composers and performers are invited to submit music proposals. Works must feature a strong connection with the workshop topics. Extended abstracts of no more than 2 pages detailing the artistic submission should be written in English, Portuguese or Spanish and submitted as PDF using the Ubimus template. Sonic materials and artistic media for review should be made available for download through a link to a cloud service. The artistic submissions are not anonymous.  Please clearly specify all requirements and setup time for the performance on a detailed technical side document accompanying your submission. Please note that it is the responsibility of artists whose work involves performers to make their own arrangements in this regard.

The conference organisation will provide stereo sound systems as well as OTTOsonics, a 24-channel Ambisonics immersive sound system for computer-based or live performances.

Technical Documentation

One PDF document specifying the following information about the artistic submission:

  • Author name(s), and contact information
  • Title of the proposal
  • Program notes (up to 3 paragraphs)
  • Indication of whether the performance relates to a separate technical presentation. program. Please specify the title, authors and Easychair number of the individual submission).
  • Intended venue: performance, installation, etc.
  • Duration and instrumentation
  • Names of performers, if applicable.
  • Composer/performer bios or a link to where these can be found.
  • Detailed description of technical requirements, including equipment and setup time.
  • Stage plot and input list for live performances.
  • Audio file(s) for evaluation of the submission (MPEG3). For multichannel submissions, please provide a stereo mix.
  • Video files (optional, MPEG4).


Deadline for submissions: 2 June 2024
Submission Extension: 18 June 2024
UbiMus 2024 Conference:
31 October – 2 November

All submissions must take place via the submission application, deadline on June 2nd, 2024 (23:59 within your particular timezone). Proposals must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. All materials should be either in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French or Chinese.


The symposium will explore topics which address ubiquitous music from various perspectives, including technological, design, social, creative, aesthetic, educational and related contexts.

Ubiquitous music, accessibility and inclusion:

  1. DIY approaches electronics and design approaches for ubiquitous musical practices (including circuit bending, hardware hacking, DIY design in modular synthesis)
  2. Web/mobile and embedded-computing approaches to music creation/performance/sharing and creative practice
  3. Socially engaged musical practices using ubiquitous music technologies (including workshop-based and collaborative creativity)
  4. Everyday musical creativity and ubiquitous music
  5. Liveness and distributed models of interaction in ubiquitous music
  6. Improvisation and comprovisation in ubiquitous music
  7. Creative computing and computational creativity in ubiquitous music
  8. Ubiquitous music in education and pedagogies of ubiquitous music practices
  9. Ecological, embodied, embedded and enactive approaches to ubimus practices
  10. Human-computer interaction (HCI) in ubiquitous music
  11. Accessible and inclusive design in ubiquitous music
  12. Networked and telematic infrastructure for ubimus creative practice
  13. Sonification, musification and auditory display in ubimus
  14. Edge, fog, dew and emerging computational infrastructure for ubimus activities (including Internet of Musical Things and musical stuff)
  15. Music for climate action, ubimus perspectives
  16. Artificial media and ubimus
  17. Large language models, machine learning and generative techniques in ubimus
  18. Cross-cultural issues in ubimus
  19. Aesthetic pliability and aural diversity in ubimus